Monday, 27 May 2013

Promotional Mail out

I've been planning what I want to do after finishing the course and I thought whilst trying to set up my own business it would be a good idea to get in contact with studios. I think having a full time job would really help me to get into a professional routine as a designer. Throughout the three years at the college I've become a really big fan of the laser cutter, I found a studio in London called Cutlasercut who are the pioneers of laser cutting, they laser cut crisps and apples working with a team of designers! Its incredible. The mail out below I directed solely at them and produced on the laser cutter. I was so please a week later when they got back to me offering me a full time job, I have the interview after module submission!

Below is also a bit of information about them and the sort of work they produce; 

Hello, nice to meet you! We’re an award winning laser cutting & engraving service in London and the UK specifically for the needs of creative industries. Cut Laser Cut are not your average manufacturer, but were founded by a team of talented designers.

You can do so many things with our industry leading machines it’s astonishing! Up to a whopping2400mm x 1200mm.

Below is the mail out I produced and sent to them;

I produced a pack to send to them that included some brief information about me as a designer including my talents as a designer and my skills within the line of work they do.  I included images and a brief description of most of the work I've completed on the laser cutters.

Below is a poster I designed and laser cut for them, It consists of three layers each on a different stock, It took me a lot of time to perfect the colour scheme but by removing and reveals sections of characters I think I've put together A successful piece of design.