Sunday 13 February 2011

Friday 04/02/2011 Studio Surgeries

Today we had to take our idea to a group crit explaining how we are going to move forward and how our idea is going to develop. I found the feedback i got on my project really useful to help me to push forward to producing a final outcome.

Issues Raised:

-Who are my books for?

-Have i considered my Audience?

-Make a clear link to CMYK

-More information and facts need to be included on each page. 

Actions to be taken:

-Plan who the books are going to be viewed by, target auidience.

-Develop designs so that they relate to CMYK and have more information inside for the appropriate audience.

After the crit i found i was asking myself alot of questions than before, this was a good thing because it got me thinking in depth about the concept behind my project rather than just its outcome. 

I have decided that the audience i am going to aim my books at are going to be guitar players or guitar fanatics who also have a creative interest in the prints i am going to produce. I think it would appeal to people of all ages but without an interest in print or vector illustration it may be hard to appreciate. I have decided i am going to make each book a different colour (CMYK) so that it appeals to more of a creative market. 

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