Tuesday, 14 December 2010


What Problem did you identify?

After gathering together all of our groups research we found a connection between all of our photos, that there was lots of derelict buildings in Leeds which didn't serve a purpose. These buildings were mainly un-used shops that unfortunately have been abandoned and left due to shops shutting down in the recession.

What evidence did you find to support your decisions?

We gathered lots of different type of evidence to back up our problem. This included using Google maps to record lots of locations where shops had close down in the city and pin pointing them on a map. We found and online resource were a local woman had calculated that there are over 92 closed down shops in Leeds, leaving these spaces with no potential for the future. It surprises me how many people have tried to address this problem in the past, for example we came across the project "Art in Unusual Places" were artists had filled these empty spaces with pieces of artwork.

What Methods did you use to gather your evidence and what forms did it take?

The methods we used to gather are evidence took various different forms. The one that influenced our work the most was all the photographs we took of the empty buildings however this didn't necessarily prove that the buildings weren't being used for anything.

What Methods of research did you find useful and why?

During the second week of our project we hit the streets to gain some primary primary qualitative information to help our project move forward. This involved getting members of the public to write on our posters ideas for what we could turn our chosen building into. By speaking to people and finding out what the people of Leeds really wanted we got some good feedback that really wasn't what we expected.  I assumed that people would suggest quite generic things to turn the building into things such as office buildings or a cafe but instead by talking to the people face to face we got to find out what would really be benefit them, for example a swimming pool or art gallery. 

How did these inform your response to your problem?

By collecting statistics and opinions about our empty spaces we realized that we didn't physically have the ability to change these buildings into primary schools or studios without help from the council. Instead of trying to make a major change to our chosen building we decided to venture down a different route of modification. When getting the public's opinions one man suggested that the space should just be preserved until its needed. So that rather than knock down the building leave it empty just try to make it look more presentable. We thought this would be a really good way to push our project along as it was easily achievable.

What Research could you have carried out that would have proved more useful?

Other stages of research that we could have undertaken would be finding out more background information on the building that we were working with. If we had a list of what the building used to be used for and who it is belonged to then maybe we could have achieved some of our more daring outcome ideas. Unfortunately this information was really hard to obtain, instead we could have taken a group of people to the building and got them to guess what they thought the building used to be.

List Five things that you have learnt about the design process over the last two weeks;

-Primary Quantitative/Qualitative research is always essential
-Keep your work as open as possible and be encourage to take always take a different route. 
-Never try and solve a brief as soon as you get it, let it develop.
-Don't always focus on your outcome, let your project develop slowly. 
-Other peoples opinions don't always matter.

List Five things you would do differently next time; 

-Go out and wheat paste our posters up.
-Try and gain the councils backing to find out what the people of Leeds Needs.
-Make our posters more interactive with hanging pens etc
-Develop other ways of interacting with the public, for example t-shirts or flyers. 
-Cover a bigger area of Leeds with our posters.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

End of Module Evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

In terms of skills i have acquired alot of new methods of working and techniques within them. The one that sticks out the most is my use of Adobe illustrator, before i came here i didn't have a clue how to use it and now i think I've pretty much mastered the basics. I've developed in other areas such as understanding the principles behind graphic design relating mainly to our studies on type.

2.What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I used my design context blog as a way to mainly record my research, looking at current designers/illustrators/artists, current typefaces and in general things i thought would inspire my work. I found this a tedious at first uploading all my research to my blog but it worked perfectly when influencing my work as i had a easily accessible online book of my research to use.  Other methods that informed my design development process was recording as much primary research as i could with my camera that way i could find things that influenced me and they didn't have to come from the library or from the internet.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

Judging my own work is definitely a task i need to develop but I would say my main strength is understanding how layout work. I often find that if i had a rubbish image and a rubbish piece of type you could always make it look visually engaging solely down to its layout. I would like to learn more about layout and the way type and image can be successfully mixed together.

4. What weakness can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

The main weakness within my work is trying to get the ideas from my head down onto paper. Often i try and go with the first idea i think of, when instead i should be developing ideas further and further so the progression is structured and my outcome will be most likely much more effective.

5.Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

-Keep up to date on my blogging so i don't have to add stuff near the end of the module.
-Manage my time a little better so I'm not rushing work near the deadlines.

-Become more creative with my work, I'm fed up of using computers.

-Gain influence from past designers not just current ones.

6. How you grade yourself on the following areas?
5= excellent, 4= very good, 3= good, 2=average 1=poor

Attendance: 5

Punctuality: 5

Motivation: 4

Commitment: 5

Quantity of work produced: 3

Quality of work produced: 4
Contribution of the group:

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Monday, 18 October 2010

Final Crit - 15/10/10

Feedback from final crit on friday.

Things i need to work on;

- Work with both upper and lower case experimenting with how my idea can work with different sets of letters.

- Explore my idea in a different light, working with different shapes of speech bubble and different characteristics of a comic book.

- Make sure all my letters are legible, especially 'J' and 'S'.

- Try different shapes for each separate letter.

Alphabet Soup Evaluation

Which Personality Traits did you choose to respond to and apply to the typeface?

I chose to look mainly around the adjectives cultural, intelligent and creative. I wanted to create a typeface that showed these characteristics in a subtle but responsive way that my partner would be able to recognise.

What are the reasons behind the design decisions you have made for the typeface?

When i first started the brief the ideas i was coming up with for my typeface were to literal and i found that instead of resolving the brief i was just narrowing my outcomes for a final piece. I started to look down the theme of working with japanese artwork and manga comics working in the style of Liam so my font would truly represent him as a person. When problem solving i thought that to work as a typeface the audience has to be able to relate to it. Unfortunately i didn't think manga would resolve this, however everybody i had spoken to had read a comic book before so i started working with comic book symbols such as speech bubbles. I used Helvetica to communicate that Liam was quite a straight fine cut person and them incorporated my ideas to produce my final piece.
The speech bubble was a good icon to use because it also linked up to show that Liam had strong opinions about things when i spoke to him.

In what ways are the results effective?

My final outcomes were effective because of how subtle they were. When you actually read into the concepts behind my final piece and the stages i went through to get to them it becomes understandable.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Problem Analysis

Design a full typeface that represents the personality/character of my partner.

Who needs to know?:
My partner (Liam) as well as a wider audience.

What do they need to know?:
The decisions I make in the typeface I choose and how I edit it to reflect their character/personality.

What will they respond to?:
Clear visual typeface.

What research is required?:
Primary: Talking to my partner, asking specific questions.
Secondary: Internet, Books.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Final Pieces

Group Task- Final Outcomes

Typography Final outcomes

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Self Crit Friday 8/10/10

Issues Raised

-Good ideas for a final outcome but not much experimentation.

-I need to think outside the box a little more, looking at ideas that aren't so obvious.

-I need to research existing typographers and designers to inspire my own work.

Actions to be taken

- I am going to produce more big a2 sheets so that i have lots more ideas to work with.

- I will look into working with other intrests of my partner working further afield than the ideas i have already started.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Problem Analysis-Alphabet Spaghetti week 2

What is the problem you intend to solve?

The problem i intend on solving is representing my partner's (Liam Rushfirth) personality through modifying an existing typeface. 

Who is your audience?

My audience is my partner Liam and my peers within the group. 

What do they need to know?

They need to know why my type represents my partner and to be able to link to two together understanding the meaning behind each character.

Why do they need to know?

They need to know so that the concept for my problem communicates clearly and answers the brief.

What will they respond to?

They will respond to my typeface as long as the outcome is clear and visually communicates what i am trying to represent.

What research is required?

I will need to conduct research with my partner to find out what makes him who he is and to get a feel for his personality. In regards to secondary research i will need to look into the themes i am going to be exploring through books, internet, flyers, magazines etc.

Self Evaluation Alphabet Spaghetti

What is being communicated and how?

I created my final samples to communicate visually, the word "vanish". I changed each sample to represent the letter disapearing in some way or form. 

How well does this answer the brief?

I think my project answered the brief very well. I tried to explore as many ideas behind the word "vanish" so that my outcomes were very varied. Each sample had a different theme behind it and showed a continuous pattern from slide to slide. 

How well has the idea been visually explored?

I did a lot of exploration behind my ideas and produced notes/work sheets so that they were structured ideas. For example I created a set of letters with bite marks ripped out of the outline of each character to represent that "words can vanish out of your mouth."

What are the strengths of the resolution?

The strengths of my final outcomes are that they showed a broad range of ideas rather than just sticking with one specific idea. 

How could it be improved?

I could improve my final outcomes by working with more than one letter next time.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Self Evaluation

What roles did you take on in the group?

I took on various different roles in the group such as printing the tote bags for our final product, helping to conduct a good presentation by explaining the reasoning behind solving our problem and i produced a lot of designs for the outcome of our work.

How well do you think you performed in the roles?

I think we all had specific roles that suited our individual ways of working so altogether i think we performed really well. 

How well do you think you worked as a group?

I think we worked well as a group especially relating to bouncing ideas of one another. We found it hard at times to come to a conclusion to solve our initial problem but eventually managed to link all our thoughts together.

What were the positives of working in a group?

-Lots of Ideas and Input
-Good feedback from one another
-It was much easy to discuss and plan our project rather than when working individually.

 What were the negatives of working in a group?

There were a few minor disagreements but nothing too major and the only other problem was finding a style that we were all good at working in.

What would you do differently next time?

Next time i would like to try to narrow down our final ideas so there's just one final outcome rather than having lots of small outcomes. I would also like to try and solve a different problem because the subject of being homesick was such a hard theme to get my head around. 

Where could you have improved your resolution?

We could have improved our final resolution by adding specific products to the specific designs of bag rather than having all the products in one bag. For example the bag with the cake on the front of it could have cooking goods inside and the bag with a beer bottle on the front could have beer mats inside. 

What were the strengths of your presentation?

The structure of our presentation worked well, explaining our processes step by step. It was very factual and showed our project from start to finish not just focusing on the final outcome. 

Sunday, 26 September 2010

10 Things i want to achieve by the end of the year

Below are 10 things i would like to achieve by the end of the first year;

- Have a wider knowledge on how to use Photoshop and Illustrator.
- Get really good at screen printing.
- Manage my time effectively so i get all my work complete before deadlines.
- Learn how to take professional pictures.
- Know how to use my Macbook inside out.
- Earn my 120 credits
- Start up my own clothing company
- Learn about the history of graphics
- Build up skills in web design and building websites
- Learn how to manage work for clients and build up a good base of contacts.