Friday, 5 October 2012

Brief Devlopment Workshop 3 Timelines/Sentances

For todays session we had to re-write the four sentences we came up with last week but with an extended explanation, so that our briefs become much more focused and can be simply understood in a couple of brief sentences. As seen below;

-A print based investigation of retail and garment design with a focus on skateboard culture. I am going to develop my garment/textile printing skills working with pattern as this is an area I have yet had a chance to explore.

-A mixed media investigation of retail graphics and shop interiors with a focus on anatomy and mechanics. I am going to be as diverse and experimental as possible with my deliverable's because working for an exhibited space gives me the opportunity to do so.

-A client led investigation of branding, identity and logo with a focus on a home maintenance company. I am going to brand F & J groundwork's key to the services they provide and offer as they are looking for an innovative new image.

-A web Based investigation of British Culture, humor and young aspiring comedians with a focus on sign writing and British typography.  I am going to focus on traditional British typography as I need to improve my Knowledge of type.

In today's issue we dealt with the next part of our planning that needs to be considered which is time. How will we effectively plan and manage our time to produce all the work we want to produce. How will this be effectively managed so our aims and objects get completed to a high potential by the deadline.?

We were given the task of writing down the design process across a timeline that was chopped into 10 sections representing the next 10 weeks ahead of us.  I found this really useful in terms of thinking whether what I aim to produce is achievable within my time limit.

I have extended this further to produce a full timeline for the next 10 Weeks, as seen below;

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